Emergency Eye Care in Calgary

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Getting Emergency Care Quickly

An “emergency” in eye care is any situation where the health of your eyes or your vision is at an immediate and serious risk. In these situations, seeking qualified medical care, such as that offered by Vivid Eye Care, is of the utmost priority.

From infections, such as conjunctivitis, to cases of sudden vision loss—you can trust our team to provide the care you need.

If you are experiencing an eye emergency, please get in touch with us right away and we will triage your call. If this is an after-hours emergency, please visit your nearest emergency clinic.

Prevention Is the Best Treatment for Emergencies

Many eye-related emergencies are preventable. 

It’s important to always wear appropriate protective eyewear when needed at work or in sports. Similar precautions can be taken in your home when it comes to properly storing chemicals to avoid spills. Additionally, prevention methods such as not sleeping in or overwearing contact lenses are strongly recommended.

Common Eye Emergencies

Some examples of common eye emergencies are listed and described here. As mentioned before, please note that an emergency is any situation where you are at an immediate and serious risk.

Eye emergencies come in many different forms. Knowing what to do in the event of an emergency can help preserve your sight. No matter the emergency, you should always have your eyes checked by your eye doctor.

In some rare cases, infections such as conjunctivitis can suddenly become extremely serious and potentially lead to vision loss.

Whether at the workplace or at home, there are many chemicals, such as cleaning agents and solvents, which can cause severe damage if our eyes come into contact with them.

Serious physical (blunt force) trauma to your eye, such as those caused by sports accidents, should be treated by a doctor right away.

Metal or another material may become embedded or lodged in the eye. We strongly recommend that you seek professional medical care to remove any objects safely and effectively.

Any sudden loss of sight in either eye should be treated as an absolute emergency. This requires immediate medical treatment to prevent potential permanent vision loss.

Here for You When You Need Us

Vivid Eye Care is here for you when you experience an eye emergency. Our optometrists are able to diagnose and treat emergencies promptly to help alleviate your pain and eye health concerns. 

Contact us right away if you are experiencing an eye emergency.

Visit Our Locations!

Cranston Market

Our Cranston Market clinic is part of the Cranston Market Clinic and is just 2 minutes off Deerfoot Trail near Stoney Trail SE. We’re located on Cranston Road SE, located in the same plaza as Sobeys and Scotiabank.

Our Address

  • 356 Cranston Road SE Unit 1020
  • Calgary, AB T3M 0S9

Contact Information

Meadows Mile

Our Meadows Mile clinic is located on the ground level of the Meadows Miles Professional Building facing Blackfoot Trail. We are just 2 minutes from Deerfoot and Glenmore Trail between Southland and Heritage Drives, up the hill from Ikea near the luxury car dealerships.

Our Address

  • 8500 Blackfoot Trail SE Unit 130
  • Calgary, AB T2J 7E1

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